# Hi!
- * I'm Christopher Gadzinski, a student of pure mathematics.
- * I'm currently doing a Ph.D. at the University of Luxembourg in a hybrid of mathematics and applied machine learning. My advisor is Decebal Mocanu.
- * I live for clear understanding. I love returning to something I've seen before and thinking about it from a new perspective.
- * Feel free to contact me by email. Username is me, host is cgad.ski.
- * I'm also active on [mathstodon](https://mathstodon.xyz/@cgadski) and physically reachable at the 3rd floor of the Maison du Nombre here in Belval, Luxembourg.
- * CV / resume is available [here](/resume.pdf).
# Blog
Posts marked with a ☆ have interactive goodies. Stay updated with RSS, available [here](/feed.xml).
- * [☆ When Numbers Are Bits: How Efficient Are Distributed Representations?](/blog/when-numbers-are-bits.html) ~~August 17, 2024~~
- * [☆ Where is Noether's Principle in Machine Learning?](/blog/where-is-noethers-principle-in-machine-learning.html) ~~February 29, 2024~~
- * [☆ Backprop Isn't Just for Calculus](/blog/backprop-isnt-just-for-calculus.html) ~~January 23, 2024~~
- * [Hölder's Inequality and the Evidence Lower Bound](/blog/holders-inequality-and-the-evidence-lower-bound.html) ~~November 14, 2023~~
- * [☆ When Gradient Descent is a Kernel Method](/blog/when-gradient-descent-is-a-kernel-method.html) ~~October 26, 2023~~
- * [☆ A Coin Flip by Any Other Name…](/blog/a-coin-flip-by-any-other-name.html) ~~September 19, 2023~~
- * [☆ A Note on Scale-Free Networks](/blog/a-note-on-scale-free-networks.html) ~~September 12, 2023~~
- * [What Is Dimensional Analysis?](/blog/what-is-dimensional-analysis.html) ~~July 16, 2023~~
- * [☆ The Fundamental Theorem of Airports](/blog/the-fundamental-theorem-of-airports.html) ~~June 04, 2023~~
- * [The Central Binomial Coefficient and Laplace's Method](/blog/the-central-binomial-coefficient-and-laplaces-method.html) ~~May 21, 2023~~
- * [An Integrability Condition](/blog/an-integrability-condition.html) ~~April 17, 2023~~
- * [The Policy Gradient Theorem](/blog/the-policy-gradient-theorem.html) ~~April 13, 2023~~
- * [Hausdorff and Compact](/blog/hausdorff-and-compact.html) ~~March 29, 2023~~
# Academic Work
In reverse chronological order.
# Hofstadter Tribute
This document is a sort of [quine](https://everything2.com/?node=quine). If you select the whole page in your browser and paste it into a file, this text shows up encoded in a weird [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) variant embedded in a string literal inside a [Racket lisp](https://racket-lang.org/) script. Evaluating the file with `racket -f $FILE`
evaluates the lisp, converting the weird Markdown and producing the same HTML document that your browser received.